Teachers' Attitudes to Digital Literacy

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Digital, literate, attitude, teacher, skill, reading


This research, which aims to reveal the digital literacy attitudes of teachers and the status of these attitudes according to their demographic characteristics, is in the screening model. In this study, which was conducted as a quantitative study, data were collected by reaching 271 teachers working in public schools in Ümraniye with a simple random sample selection. Frequency, mean, t-test and variance analyzes were performed in the study. The highest level of digital literacy attitude of teachers is in the article regarding the fact that digital reading at the "Very High" level enables them to reach the information they need quickly. The lowest average is the situation of encountering information pollution in digital reading. While teachers' attitudes towards digital literacy sub-dimensions are high in the characteristics of digital reading, they are moderate in digital reading preferences. The general attitudes toward digital literacy are at a high level. Teachers' digital literacy attitudes did not differ significantly in the digital reading preferences sub-dimension according to gender. However, there was a significant difference in the sub-dimension of the characteristics of digital reading and the general attitudes toward digital literacy in favor of male teachers. The digital literacy attitudes of the teachers did not differ according to the status of having a computer, reading digital books, working level, career title and time devoted to digital reading. It has been suggested that studies should be carried out to increase the knowledge and competence of teachers' digital literacy attitudes in the field of information pollution in the digital environment.


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How to Cite

MERT, İsa A., KOVAN, O., KILIÇ, M. H., ŞENKİBAR, B. İhsan, ÖZ, D., & SULAYICI, A. (2023). Teachers’ Attitudes to Digital Literacy. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 7(31), 542–554. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8116527