Gastronomy Tourism of Şanlıurfa Within the Scope of Sustainable Tourism

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Gastronomy, Tourism, Şanlıurfa, Gastronomy museums, Culinary Culture


Tourism, which has an important share in the development of countries with the enormous momentum it has caught in the 21st century, never leaves its change and development. Similar to the tourism needs of the world, the understanding of tourism dominated by the sea and sand in our country has pushed itself towards alternative searches and thus; the interest in Gastronomy Tourism has started to increase due to this change. The ancient city of Urfa, which has both cultural and geographical importance in its region, witnesses the history with its gastronomic culture that it has preserved since the Ottoman Empire. This study, it is aimed to present the destinations that are prominent with culinary culture, what is happening in Şanlıurfa within the scope of the supply sources of the potential of gastronomic tourism within the scope of sustainable tourism, and the improvements and suggestions that can be made in developing this potential. As in many countries, in particular in Turkey's Sanliurfa local gastronomy and more comprehensive to meet the needs and expectations of foreign tourists should develop tourism activities. With the Gastronomy Festivals to be held, qualified tourism components will be provided to the region.


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How to Cite

ÖZBAY, T., ALTINDAĞ, E. Özge, YENTÜRK, R., ÖZBAY, N., ADIYAMAN, M. A., & BARAN, M. (2023). Gastronomy Tourism of Şanlıurfa Within the Scope of Sustainable Tourism. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 7(31), 583–605.