The Effect of School Principals' Transformational Leadership Behavior on School Project Management and Project Success

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Transformational Leadership, School Principal, Project Management, Project Success


Although the school principal does not directly affect the project project's success, it indirectly affects the success by influencing the project management processes. This work; researched the effectiveness of school principals with transformational leadership style in project management and project success, according to teachers' opinions.

Teachers working in Adana were asked to classify school principals in terms of autocratic and transformational leadership. Teachers, who evaluated school principals as having a transformational leadership style, were asked to classify the transformational behaviors of school principals, and their views on the execution of projects and project success were obtained.

Descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation were used in the analysis of the data.

With the findings of the research, it has been concluded that school principals with transformational leadership styles are effective in the good execution and success of projects.


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How to Cite

KAYĞUSUZ , H., DEMİR, O., ÖLMEZ, Özen S., ŞAFAK, T., & KURT, M. (2023). The Effect of School Principals’ Transformational Leadership Behavior on School Project Management and Project Success. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 7(31), 577–582.