The Effect of School Principals' Educational Leadership Behavior on Student Success through Transformational Leadership and Motivation

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Instructional Leadership, Transformational Leadership, Motivation, Student Success


This research was carried out to determine the relationship between instructional leadership and student achievement with the mediating role of transformational leadership. In addition, the study examined the impact role of motivation on transformational leadership, instructional leadership and student achievement.

There are 1642 institutions at all levels and 1642 school principals working in these institutions in the 2021-2022 academic year in Adana. The research sample consists of 289 incidental school principals working in secondary and high schools working in these institutions. SPSS v26 software was used for descriptive statistics and SMART-PLS v3.3.2 for other analyzes was used in the study.

The results of the study show that the instructional leadership and transformational leadership of the school administrator have a significant positive effect on student achievement. In addition, transformational leadership mediates the relationship between instructional leadership and student achievement. Finally, motivation has a significant impact on transformational leadership and student success as well as instructional leadership and student success.

The findings of this study, which once again reveals the importance of leadership in school management, are expected to be very useful for principals, teachers, education planners and policy makers.


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How to Cite

UZUN, S., KARABACAK, N., KARATAY, E., & ŞEN, M. (2023). The Effect of School Principals’ Educational Leadership Behavior on Student Success through Transformational Leadership and Motivation. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 7(33), 705–713.