Plaın Weavıngs Of Kuruhüyük (Felahıye-Kayseri) Regıon
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Plain (kirkit/weft faced) textiles (kilim, cicim, zili, sumac) are products that people produce mostly to meet their own needs. In our country; It is very rich in smooth textures. One of the provinces that stands out with its plain weaves is Kayseri. In Kayseri, Sarız, Tomarza, İncesu, Yahyalı, Pınarbaşı, Develi district's Şıhlı, Felahiye district's Kuruhüyük, Akkışla district's Gömürgen neighborhoods stand out with their flat textures. In Hacılar district, local people weave very high quality textiles, but these weavings are not traditional weavings of the region, but are produced as the tradesmen want. The plain weavings of the Kuruhüyük region, which is the subject of the research, are very distinctive with their motif and pattern features and are distinguished from other regions by these features. Buttonhole, crooked weft and wrapping contour techniques are widely used in Kuruhüyük rugs. Cicim techniques with dense and sparse motifs were generally used in sack and bulk curtain weavings. Zili and sumac techniques were generally used with kilim and cicim techniques. Threads obtained by spinning thin and tightly twisted yarns on woolen spindles and kirma are also found with natural dyes by the local people. In the rugs of the region, weavings in white, yellow, green, red and blue colors were preferred. The local people used to weave on winding looms until 1955, and then, with the intervention of tradesmen, they used tension type looms. In rugs; Stepped mihrab and comb motifs shaped inside the mihrab are motif features that are woven in a way that resembles a fish and are shown as a "frog or plus sign" in the region. Most of the dyeing recipes, motifs and pattern names belonging to the region have been forgotten or are on the verge of being forgotten. Kuruhüyük weavings; It is known at home and abroad, but weaving is almost not done in the region. Local people state that they do not know the carpet technique, that the tradesmen brought carpet weaving to the region and taught them because they knew how to weave rugs, that they stopped weaving rugs and started weaving carpets to earn money, and that after migrating domestically and abroad, weaving was almost no longer done in the region. Twisting tools, weavings and weaving related tools etc. In the regions. They are sold to local antique dealers or machine-made carpets, blankets, etc. are sold by antique dealers. It is exchanged for items.
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