The Effect of School Principal's Transformational Leadership Behavior on Student Success Through Empowerment of Teachers and Teachers' Psychological Well-Being
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Transformational Leadership, Teacher Empowerment, Teacher Psychological Well-Being, Student SuccessAbstract
This research was carried out to determine the relationship between transformational leadership and student achievement with the mediating role of teacher empowerment. In addition, the study examined the role of influence on teachers'psychological well-being, teacher empowerment, behavioral leadership, and student achievement.
The research sample consists of 289 random primary school teachers working in the Çukurova district of Adana province. SPSS v26 software was used for descriptive statistics and SMART-PLS v3.3.2 for other analyzes was used in the study.
The results of the study show that the transformational leadership of the school administrator and teacher empowerment have a significant positive effect on student achievement. In addition, teacher empowerment mediates the relationship between transformational leadership and student achievement. Finally, the teacher exerts a significant influence on teacher empowerment as well as on psychological well-being, transformational leadership, and student achievement.
The findings of this study, which once again reveals the importance of leadership in school management, are expected to be very useful for principals, teachers, education planners and policymakers
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