Evaluation of Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT) Broadcasts in Social Studies Education
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Social Studies Education, TRT, Oral History, Broadcasting, ProductionAbstract
Social studies education is a learning area and course that includes life and topics related to living. Developing different methods in these courses, which are taught in fourth and seventh grades today, makes the learning processes richer. One of these methods is oral history. This method is a kind of interview. It is the process of listening, understanding and giving meaning to living human treasures. Every person is a value and has experiences. At the same time, these experiences lead to the emergence of a certain accumulation. It is important to benefit from this knowledge.
Purpose: Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT) publishes important and valuable studies on this subject. It turns recent history into a lively and living history with both documentaries and other original programs. It has gained a certain place with its radio and television entertaining programs, as well as its contributions to the cultural field.
In this study, it is aimed to evaluate past and current TRT broadcasts and productions that can be associated with oral history in social studies education. It is aimed that these publications will find a place in the learning processes within the scope of the social studies education program and help ensure achievements.
Method: Social studies education is a field of study and a course that evaluates current developments and social issues. It is a program area that can be enriched with various activities. TRT's broadcasts can also be added to these activities.
In the study, document review method was used within the scope of qualitative research. In this study, TRT productions that contribute to the field of oral history and social knowledge were examined. The data obtained was evaluated within the scope of content analysis.
As a result of the study, it was understood that TRT's broadcasts such as Gönül Dağı, Ömür Deiyorum, Yaşyan Memory, Öncü Scholars, Asırlık Çınarlar have content that can be used within the scope of oral history in social studies education, and these contents were analyzed. In this context, interviews related to the achievements in the social studies education program were identified according to learning areas and it was concluded that they were valuable information for students and that it would be beneficial to use them in the education process
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