The Role of Food Personnel in Ensuring Food Safety in the Hospital Kitchen

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Food Safety, Hospital Kitchen, Food Personnel


Increasing rates of foodborne diseases in developed and developing countries have become a constant public health problem, associated with the lack of food safety. Food safety has an important place in preventing foodborne diseases. Food personnel form the basis of safe food production. Reliable food is important for every living matter; It is more important for patients with low immunity and sensitive conditions. Food personnel working in hospital kitchens play a key role in food safety.

In this study, the role of food personnel in ensuring food safety in the hospital kitchen was investigated. In this context, 20 studies conducted at home and abroad regarding food personnel working in kitchens providing mass catering services were examined. The study was conducted on 11 studies related to food personnel working in hospital kitchens. In the studies examined, it was emphasized that the personnel should be made more conscious in order to correct the wrong practices in hospital kitchens. In order for the food prepared for patients with low body resistance to be more beneficial and healthy, the food personnel working in the hospital kitchen must be conscious and comply with hygiene and food safety rules. As a result of the research, it has been determined that food personnel who have high hygiene knowledge and apply their knowledge play an important role in protecting both their own and public health. It has been observed that personnel who are unconscious, have no knowledge of hygiene, and have no perception of public health can lead to undesirable results. It is essential that food personnel receive the necessary training and acquire the habit of applying this training. For this reason, necessary precautions can be taken, systems that will make implementation mandatory can be established and inspections can be carried out at certain periods.


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How to Cite

Avınca, S. B. (2023). The Role of Food Personnel in Ensuring Food Safety in the Hospital Kitchen. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 7(35), 1293–1299.