A Review in the Context of Turkey’s Logistics Performance Index and Foreign Trade

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Turkey, Logistics Performance, Foreign Trade


Turkey, located between the Asian and European continents, has significant advantages in terms of logistics. With its geographical and geopolitical location, Turkey has the power to make great strides in the field of global logistics. It is possible to reach large and important global markets with a few hours of air travel from İstanbul to the West, East, North and South directions. Having cultural and historical connections with these regions is important for Turkey to stand out in global trade. With its potential to become a major player in global supply chains, Turkey also has the potential to get a larger share of global trade. In this research, an answer was sought to the question of how and in what way Turkey could put these advantages into practice in order to participate in global supply chains.

In this study, The Logistics Performance Index research, which was first conducted by the World Bank in 2007 in order to measure the logistics performance of the countries, is used. Turkey’s foreign trade data announced by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK), Turkey’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the figures of the logistics industry’s share with the scope of GDP are sed. The trend of Turkey’s place in the Logistics Performance Index is examined.


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How to Cite

Dikmenli, O. (2023). A Review in the Context of Turkey’s Logistics Performance Index and Foreign Trade. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 7(35), 1328–1335. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10029114