A Current Problem Cluster of Bioethics: Artificial Intelligence

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Bioethics, ethical dilemma, moral machine, traffic ethics, artificial intelligence


Artificial intelligence, a software or computer program with a learning mechanism is used in many fields. The concept of artificial intelligence was first introduced by Prof. John McCarthy at the Dartmouth Conference held in 1956. Today, artificial intelligence is a very popular topic used in many areas of life. Artificial intelligence, sometimes unconsciously, is used in many areas such as cars, the automotive industry online shopping and online appointment systems, phones, social media, online search engines, navigation, etc. The increasingly widespread use of artificial intelligence has brought about legal and ethical problems and ethical dilemmas. For example, who will be responsible if unmanned vehicles collide in mid-air and cause damage? Another example is the problems caused by the actions of robot workers and the compensation for the damage resulting from these actions. What an unmanned vehicle would do in case of a situation developing suddenly while driving in traffic will be the programmed decision of artificial intelligence. Will the personal views of the person(s) doing the programming not be effective in these decisions? Can we expect that artificial intelligence can be programmed to make ethical decisions? Is it possible for this decision to be always ethically, correct? This article discussed a new bioethics problems cluster as artificial intelligence, which use artificial intelligence in traffic.


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How to Cite

Tunçay, G. Y., & Çobanoğlu, N. (2023). A Current Problem Cluster of Bioethics: Artificial Intelligence. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 7(35), 1349–1357. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10030046