The Impact of Workplace Incivility on Job Stress and Professional Performance: An Example of an Airline Company
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Work Stress, Job Performance, Workplace Rudeness, Airline Company, Cabin CrewAbstract
The increase in incivility among airline cabin crew members can lead to an increase in job stress. Workplace incivility, which initially causes partial harm to employees, can ultimately increase workplace stress and reduce employees' work performance over time. The aim of this study is to examine the impact of workplace incivility on job stress and work performance levels of airline cabin crew members. In this context, an e-survey was conducted on 107 cabin crew members working for an airline company in Antalya. According to the results of the research, the level of workplace incivility among the personnel was found to be low (x̄: 2.11), job stress levels were moderate (x̄: 3.01), and work performance levels were high (x̄: 3.71). According to the correlation analysis results, significant positive and negative relationships were identified between workplace incivility and job stress (r: 0.430) and work performance (r: -0.687) variables, respectively. A negative significant relationship was found between job stress and work performance (r: -0.213). In addition, as the perception of incivility among employees in the airline company increases, the perceived job stress (R2: 0.184) and work performance (R2: 0.472) decrease. On the other hand, as the perceived job stress increases, work performance levels also decrease (R2: 0.045). The fact that there are no studies in aviation literature that consider these variables together signifies the unique aspect of this study. Based on this study, airline company managers who want to improve the work performance levels of their employees may be advised to implement company policies that minimize job stress and workplace incivility.
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