Clinical Psychology Development And Presentation Dimensions Of Treatments in The Context Of Clinical Psychology
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Clinical Psychology, Mental Problem, Behavioral Disorder, PsychologistAbstract
Clinical psychology is a branch of science that deals with problems addressed on an individual basis. Here, the psychological, behavioral and physical functions of individuals are discussed. However, these are handled in a psychological context. Individual behaviors and their developmental dimensions are especially important in clinical psychology. The reasons for these developmental dimensions and their emergence are examined. Most importantly, some basic problems on an individual basis are addressed here.
When clinical psychology is mentioned, psychological problems come to mind. Rather than the problems that arise spiritually, the fundamental traces they leave on the person are examined. Moreover, the problems are addressed on an in-depth method basis. Clinical psychologists also consist of people who are experts in this field. Most importantly, there is an approach to individuals based on behavioral dimensions. This is another issue that is important for in-depth research.
In clinical psychology, the underlying cause is more important. When considered from this perspective, it becomes clear that clinical situations also trigger certain cases. Exactly these factors and causes constitute the main subject of clinical psychology. Because all kinds of events and situations that are examined on a clinical basis basically include other events and situations. All of these are solutions for clinical psychology. With these, the general goal is achieved
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