Female Academics in The Field of Music

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University, music, female academics, academic promotion


Being at the top the educational institutions, universities make great contributions to the development of social life. Starting with the foundation of the Istanbul University in 1933 in the Republican Period, the number of universities in Turkey has increased especially in recent years with minimum one university in every province. Since being an academic is prestigious, the number of women has increased in the academic world over the years as in other fields.

This research is a descriptive study to determine the situation. In the first part of the study, the distribution of universities in Turkey by years (1933-2016), different fields of employment in Turkey, and the distribution of academic staff of universities (state, foundation) by gender were analyzed. The second section evaluates female academics working in music, conservatory, fine arts and education faculties departments at Turkish universities through quantitative analysis. For this purpose, we presented quantitative data on academic personnel holding diverse academic positions across the mentioned units. This data was compiled from the universities' web pages and organized in tables indicating frequency (f) and percentage (%).


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How to Cite

Önal, G. F. (2023). Female Academics in The Field of Music. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 7(36), 1764–1771. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10346432