Analysis of the Effects of Digital Transformation Practices on Franchise Businesses: The Case of Istanbul Region

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Digital Transformation, Franchising, Employee Productivity, Business Profitability, Collaboration, Economic Benefit


The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of digital transformation practices on franchising businesses. The population of the study is 2114 employees working in a total of 2018 franchising businesses operating on the European side of Istanbul. The data of the study were collected by questionnaire method and the first part of the questionnaire used in the research included "Demographic Questions", the second part included "Digital Transformation Scale" and the third part included "Franchising System Scale".

As a result of the analysis, it was determined that when the contribution of digitalization to business productivity increases; competitiveness of the business, cooperation between employees, brand image and productivity increase..


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How to Cite

Temur, Özhan. (2024). Analysis of the Effects of Digital Transformation Practices on Franchise Businesses: The Case of Istanbul Region. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 8(46), 1229–1244.