Reflections of Mathematics in Nature on Clothing Design and Collection Proposal

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Fibonacci, Lucas, Fractal Geometry, Design, Fashion Design


Nature was the first instructive force in the production of design by an artist. He determined the living and non-living organisms he observed in his environment as a point of inspiration. He used his inspirations visually or functionally in his works. This study, it is aimed to investigate and analyze clothing designs by addressing the methods of transferring nature to design. It is important to understand the systematic structure in nature. In this context, the aim of the study is to prepare a collection by using the mathematics of nature in garment design. It is to create new application areas in pattern and manipulation techniques by considering the mathematical rules of nature with self-similarity, self-similarity and fractal dimensions. The study was prepared as qualitative research. The framework of the collection was created with the From Biology to Design method in the Biomimesis Spiral.  The research and preparation process was carried out by preparing the sub-headings in the Design from Biology method.

The collection is based on the mathematics of nature. It consists of 10 wearable designs that are compatible with today's fashion. The usability of Fibonacci Number Sequence, Lucas Number Sequence and Fractal Geometry was tested in the mold preparation and scaling of the 10 designs that make up the collection and these ratios were applied in the molds. Gradual increase and proportions were scaled on the female body. The use of these mathematical methods in pattern preparation and fabric manipulations strengthened the design structure and holistic harmony was consciously achieved. It has been observed that new and different designs and patterns can be made from one form. In the process where nature is used as a source of inspiration, the importance of its mathematical structure is emphasized and it guides the works beyond simulation.


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How to Cite

Akıncı Dikiş, Özlem B., & Doğan Sözüer, Z. (2024). Reflections of Mathematics in Nature on Clothing Design and Collection Proposal. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 8(38), 27–40.