Charismatic, Democratic and Instructional Leadership Styles and Their Application at School

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Leader, Charisma, Democratic Leadership, Instructional Leadership and School Principals


In a world changing with technology, education systems have to improve every day in order to raise qualified manpower equipped with the requirements of the age. Depending on the development of education systems, the people who manage them must also keep up with this change and development. School administrators; He/she must have leadership qualities as well as management qualities in order to lead the students, teachers, parents and the environment in which the school is located and to achieve the determined goals and objectives. Administrators who use these two concepts simultaneously and develop for this purpose can raise their schools to a certain level both academically and socially. Today, there are many leadership styles defined and implemented. In this research, the "Charismatic Leadership, Democratic Leadership and Instructional Leadership" styles that should be used most in schools were discussed. Purpose of the study; It has been tried to reveal the effects of schools managed with these three leadership styles on students, teachers, parents and the environment. Published scientific articles and master's theses were examined using the descriptive analysis method. The data was analyzed and written in the findings section. According to the findings; In the schools of school administrators who have Charismatic Leadership, Democratic Leadership and Instructional Leadership behaviors and apply them in their own schools; decisions are taken together in consultation, division of labor and responsibilities are distributed fairly among employees, reward and punishment systems are given according to people's performance, there is an environment where everyone can express their opinions and thoughts freely, team spirit is at the forefront rather than individuality, and a workplace climate and environment where everyone feels peace and happiness. It has a culture.

School principals who have characteristics of all three leadership styles do not use their legal powers regarding legislation very often. They attract everyone with their charisma and convince them easily. They keep the same distance to all their employees and do not deviate from justice. As democratic leaders, they do not collect all the work by delegating authority. As instructional leaders, they spend most of their time in learning environments and working. It is thought that school principals will be active in every aspect of their schools, carrying out the work as a whole with all stakeholders of the school and guiding and directing everyone as the head of the institution, in their free time from routine work at the school.


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How to Cite

Ekinci, M. F., Üçköylüoğlu, İbrahim, Esen, İbrahim M., Tekin, A., Özerten, S., Pekkolay, A., Yıldız, M., & Karaman, Z. (2024). Charismatic, Democratic and Instructional Leadership Styles and Their Application at School. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 8(38), 80–90.