Evaluation of Conspicuous Consumption Behaviour with Regard to Economic Inefficiency

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Conspicuous Consumption, Inefficiency, Orthodoks Economics


The term Conspicuous Consumption was firstly used in ecoomic literature by Thorstein Veblen. According to Veblen, especially people within the upper social classes tend to make conspicuous, outstanding and prominent consumption in order to send a high-status signal to the other people who mostly can not afford such consumption. Veblen indicated that conspicuous consumption behaviour can also be seen among the people belonging lower ranking social classes as they want to imitate upper classes. In this study firstly the term “conspicuous consunption” will be explored and then its possible relationship with economic inefficiency will be evaluated. Within this regard, the connection between conspicuous consumption and savings, inflation, foreign trade deficit, competition, negative externalities, distribution and socio-economic serenity will be, within the theoretical framework, investigated.


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How to Cite

Güneş, Şahabettin. (2024). Evaluation of Conspicuous Consumption Behaviour with Regard to Economic Inefficiency. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 8(40), 536–550. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11089943