Teachers' Perceptions About School Transparency

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Transparency, school, teacher, participation, accountability, information flow


This research was conducted to determine teachers' perceptions of the school’s transparency level. The research is in a quantitative and survey model. The research was carried out by reaching 176 teachers working in Denizli metropolitan districts with an easily accessible sample. In the study, the items that showed the highest level of school transparency among teachers were "The information shared by the school administration with the teachers is reliable." and “The information shared by the school administration with teachers is understandable.” substances in high levels. The lowest level is the "Intermediate" level: "The school administration shares details about the school's income and expenses with the teachers." It is in the article. While teachers' perceptions of the school transparency sub-dimensions, participation in decisions and information flow, and general school transparency were found to be at a "High" level, the accountability dimension was found to be at a "Medium" level. Accordingly, in the context of school transparency, teachers see their schools as being highly transparent in terms of participation in decisions, information flow, and in general, while they see them at a medium level in terms of accountability. It has been observed that teachers' school transparency levels do not differ and are similar according to teachers' gender, age, seniority, level of employment, marital status and career stages. However, it has been determined that teachers' school transparency levels do not differ according to their education levels and branches. According to teachers' school transparency levels, participation in decisions, information flow and general transparency levels according to the education level of teachers, it is seen that the perceptions of teachers with a master's degree on participation in decisions, flow of information and general school transparency are higher than teachers with a bachelor's degree. It was observed that teachers' school transparency levels showed a significant difference between classroom teachers and high school branch teachers in the accountability dimension according to branch, and the difference was high in favor of classroom teachers.


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How to Cite

Özcan Kuzu, Ülkü, Solak, B., Başar Şavklı, N., Yılmaz, T., Işık, Çağdaş, İnesi, A., Sevinç, F., & Köktepe, Özlem. (2024). Teachers’ Perceptions About School Transparency. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 8(39), 415–426. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10784763