Chomsky's Linguistic Theory

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Chomsky, Skinner, , human languages, structure, linguistic faculties


This research revolves around the field of linguistic studies.The founder of the Generative Transformational Theory,Noam Chomsky who is a researcher in linguistic.The research aims to see the most important aspects of his linguistic theory in its original form that its owner wanted.    Far from overlapping translations of this important theory, and presenting these aspects of the theory in a clear and obvious way for scholars, relying on the most accurate references and translations that dealt with this theory.

So we published the research with a translation of Chomsky and opened it with a rivalry with the behaviors,especially Skinner,whose outbreak was the herald of the dawn of a new language school,stemming from the creative and innate specialties of human language that called for saying the linguistic faculties that a child is born with.I traced the most famous bilingualisms that we find in Chomsky and the distinction between the validity and acceptance of sentence,and the distinction between the superficial structure and the deep structure.

With the help of what was decided from the principles of this school, we explained that its approach to researching the language and setting its rules is to go beyond description to interpretation. We studied the concept of grammar and its basis for him, and we supplemented the discussion with what is associated with it, which is lingistic intuition. We have familiarized ourselves with the linguistic analysis models that he proposed for the analysis of sentences, which are three: the finite grammatical rules, the rules for constructing the corners of the sentences, and the transformational rules.

The research concluded with the status of Chomsky's theory in linguistic studies, with its logical sequence and accuracy in analysis, and the possibility of investing this theory in understanding the Arabic language.


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How to Cite

Al Nirbani, A. B., & ANIS, G. (2024). Chomsky’s Linguistic Theory. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 8(43), 920–926.