Practice of Period Gardens in the Campus Landscape Design of the Universities; The Islamic Garden Design of Bilecik Seyh Edebali University
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Islamic garden, campus, period gardens, landscape designAbstract
As a result of the project titled 'Islamic Garden Art Shaped by Religious Rituals and Its Effects on Anatolian-Turkish Culture,' numbered 2020-01.BŞEÜ.07-01, which was completed under the scope of Scientific Research Projects at Bilecik Seyh Edebali University has decided to implement an Islamic Garden Landscape Project in Bilecik Seyh Edebali University’s Gulumbe Campus.
The project, which was completed in May 2024 implemented to introduce the first example of Islamic garden design to our country and university campus landscaping projects and also presents period gardens. This implemented project has brought a new perspective to the landscape design efforts within the university campus. It is intended to be used as an educational tool while promoting period gardens.
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