Disastrorsity of Van Province in the Context of Seismıcity: A Qualitative Research and Disaster Management Strategies

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Earthquake, Disaster and Risk Management, Strategy, Qualitative Research


Van province, located in the east of Turkey, has a location with a high earthquake risk due to its geographical and geological features. This situation revealed the seriousness of the earthquake risk in the region with the 2011 Van Earthquake. The disaster nature of the region poses a wide range of threats to settlements, especially loss of life and property. Of course, the region is exposed not only to seismic events but also to natural disasters such as floods, avalanches, landslides and rockfalls. However, since the city's exposure to seismic events is higher than other disasters, earthquake disasters come to the fore. Therefore, this study examines the disaster vulnerability of Van province in the context of seismicity from a qualitative perspective and evaluates disaster management strategies for these risks with the participant opinions of field experts.

In the study, face-to-face interviews were conducted with 10 participants with semi-structured questions using the qualitative research technique and data were obtained. These data were analyzed and examined in depth with the MAXQDA24 package program and disaster management strategies were determined accordingly. Disaster management strategies have been shaped in general terms, based on participant opinions, with an inference to strengthen risk management, which is pre-disaster preparation. In this context, the strategies that need to be implemented are; It is concluded that it can develop with strategic practices focused on disaster preparedness, building stock, education, ground and settlement, economic sufficiency, management, planning and control. In other words, it has been concluded that being prepared for a disaster will reduce the destructive effect of the disaster or at least the vulnerability will remain at an acceptable level.


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How to Cite

Erol, F., & Kalay, F. (2024). Disastrorsity of Van Province in the Context of Seismıcity: A Qualitative Research and Disaster Management Strategies. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 8(46), 1153–1166. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13881508