Reflection of Mobility, Welfare and Technology in Graphic Arts in the Global Age

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Graphic Design, Mobility


In the Global Age, the roles of mobility, prosperity and technology in meeting challenges and developing new ways forward are significant. These challenges profoundly affect the lives of societies and individuals and require global cooperation.
The effects of globalization are felt in every field today and the art world is also affected. Changing and evolving global factors affect the creativity of artists and cause transformation in many dimensions from the production to the consumption of artworks. Global mobility enriches art practice by increasing the interaction of different cultures. The level of prosperity causes significant differences in the access and production processes of art. The rapid advancement of technology leads to radical changes in the field of graphic arts by offering artists new designs and forms of expression.
Under the title of “Mobility, prosperity and the reflection of technology on graphic arts in the global era”, these three main themes are discussed separately and their effects on art, culture and society are analyzed. In the study conducted with the literature review method, it is seen that graphic design has a wide range. At the end of the review, it is aimed to make an important determination for the future of the art world.


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How to Cite

Uzuner, E., Kocaman, Şeref, & Çağla, E. (2024). Reflection of Mobility, Welfare and Technology in Graphic Arts in the Global Age. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 8(47), 1330–1340.