The Role of Municipalities in the Integration of Syrian Refugees into the City

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Migration, Syria, City, İntegration, Refugee, Municipality


Cities, which have become the main settlements for social and economic reasons, have naturally become the center of internal and external migration. Regardless of the reason and form of realization, ensuring the integration and social harmony of immigrants or refugees heading to a different country is a difficult and important process that must be managed. Even if they have refugee status, their large number in Turkey and their prolonged stay have created problems in various aspects.

In addition to central governments, non-governmental organizations and municipalities also play important roles in the integration of refugees who settle in cities with international migration and the local population. In this context, the aim of the study is to reveal the activities of municipalities towards the integration of Syrian refugees in Turkey, whose social integration has become a necessity due to the increase in the number of people reached and the lengthening of their stay.

In order to achieve this aim, 6 provinces where Syrian refugees live most densely were determined as the study area, according to the data shared by the Directorate of Immigration Management. With the data collected from the municipalities in these provinces, it was aimed to reveal the role of municipalities in the integration of refugees with the city through a qualitative research. The study carried out in this direction draws attention to the increasing role of municipalities in the integration of Syrian refugees with the city.


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How to Cite

Yıldız, ibrahim, & Çakır Sümer, G. (2024). The Role of Municipalities in the Integration of Syrian Refugees into the City. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 8(49), 1560–1575.