The Spiritual Language of Nature: Mystical Associations in Bahaettı̇n Karakoç’s Poem “Mount Ararat”

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Bahaettin Karakoç, Dolunay Magazine, Mount Ararat, Poetry


Frequently featured in Turkish poetry as a deeply spiritual and cultural symbol, Mount Ararat is not only a physical geographical formation but also a metaphor loaded with mythological, spiritual and social layers. While Mount Ararat is identified with themes such as sublimity, independence, longing and inner journey, it has also become a symbol of the Turkish nation's identity, love of land and historical victories. The poem under scrutiny treats Mount Ararat as a love and a spiritual teaching, expressing the poet's deep admiration and love for nature and the mountain that surrounds him. Rather than merely describing a natural landscape, the poem explores the spiritual connection between nature and the human soul by offering impressions of the world of the heart. Each line creates an inner journey that carries both aesthetic and metaphysical meanings. In our study, we will focus on the symbolism that the poem carries while trying to analyze the poem.


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How to Cite

Öztürk, D. (2024). The Spiritual Language of Nature: Mystical Associations in Bahaettı̇n Karakoç’s Poem “Mount Ararat”. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 8(49), 1717–1722.