The Master Looking at Nallıhan Needle Laces from a Different Window; Hamiyet Gürelli
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Needle Lace, Nallıhan weavings, silkworm farming, handcraftsAbstract
In this article it is aimed to introduce Hamiyet Gürelli who gave a modern form to needle lace which is one of the traditional handcrafts of Nallıhan town of Ankara/Türkiye and to nearly forgetten traditional weavings of Nallıhan town and presented them to appriciation of people.
Also in this article, the importance of needle lace in Nallıhan which also is a handcraft that has different names for each different model in different regions of Turkiye ( birebir ceviri olsun istersen Turkiye yerine our country yazılabilir ) and the transformation of silk which is obtained by various traditional methods, into colorful flowers and also a brief history of Hamiyet Gürelli’s life who provided enrichment to the usage fields of needle lace by combining it with the traditional weavings of Nallıhan which has a great importance in the town of Nallıhan, the various materials, tools and equipments that she used, the innovations that she brought in to her art as a master, the festivals and the exhibitions she has attanded, awards that she has received and samples of her work will be presented.
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KAYNAK KİŞİ: Gürelli, H. (2024), 1952, Dedeler/Seben (Bolu), Emekli Öğretmen
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