Impacts of Developments in Cloud Technologies on the Health Sector

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Health Sector, Cloud Technologies, Diagnostics, Treatment, Sustainability.


The aim of this study is to examine the effects of cloud technologies on the health sector. In order for health institutions to be more successful, new technologies should be utilized. In this context, new technologies should be followed, trained, learned, purchased, used, experts should be trained, diagnosis and treatment of patients should be done in a much shorter time and this should become continuous. However, it is not possible for health institutions to carry out all these activities alone. In this context, in order for new technologies to be used much more effectively in different institutions, health institutions, universities, public institutions and all relevant parties need to cooperate, solidarity, develop joint projects and establish sustainable communication.

In this context, the aim of the study is to increase the effects of cloud technologies on the health sector. It is aimed to ensure that health institutions make the best use of new technologies in order to continue their activities by continuously developing, to provide better quality service, to be successful in competition in global markets and to create a corporate identity. The acceptance of innovations by health institutions is not an area that they can achieve on their own, and individuals trained in the field of health need to be trained in the best way in order to be preferred by the sector. Therefore, it is planned to prepare this study on cloud technologies and the health sector, considering that it may be useful for the development of the field, increasing the development of related institutions, increasing the performance of health enterprises and making treatment services much more successful.

In this context, the deductive method was followed in the study and the study was prepared by making use of articles, theses, theses, internet resources, books and related written works on the subject; the information obtained was presented to researchers, health institutions, public institutions, society and related parties.


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How to Cite

Şarkbay, Ömer F. (2025). Impacts of Developments in Cloud Technologies on the Health Sector. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 9(50), 01–15.