Digital Education and Alpha Generation: A Comparative Study of Teacher and Student Views

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Alpha generation, Generation X and Y, Digital Education


In this study, digitalisation of education is discussed in terms of Alpha, Y and X generations. The research was conducted with qualitative research method. With the phenomenology design determined as the research design, the concept of digital education was tried to be handled according to generations with different aspects. Five participants from each generation level were included in the study. The findings show that there are some differences between generations in the way digital education is perceived. According to the results of the research, while the digital education perceptions of Y and X generation individuals are relatively similar to each other, Alpha generation individuals approach digital education from a different perspective. In particular, the findings regarding the dangers and opportunities of digital education show that the Alpha generation sees digital education as a concept that contains more opportunities. Regarding the future of digital education, this difference between the generations decreases a little more. When the findings obtained are examined according to the relevant literature, it shows that there are similarities between the general attitudes and behaviours of the generations and the differences in perception of digital education.


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How to Cite

Eren, F., Akdeniz , C., Şekerci Erden, M. N., Birol, G., & Dal, F. (2025). Digital Education and Alpha Generation: A Comparative Study of Teacher and Student Views. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 9(50), 68–76.