Measurement of Intra-Industry Trade: An Analysis on Turkey and Selected Countries Related to Fresh/Dry Fruit and Nuts

Foreign Trade, Intra Industry Trade, Inter Industry TradeAbstract
Intra industry trade, which is an important concept in foreign trade theory, is defined as the simultaneous import and export of goods in the same product category. It is based on the simultaneous import and export of goods that differ in quality, appearance and trademark. In this study, Turkey's intra industry trade level with twenty-nine selected countries regarding 057 product groups of fresh/dried fruits and nuts was analyzed. In the study in which the Grubel-Lloyd Index was used, SITC Rev.3 foreign trade data were obtained from TurkStat and analyzed by considering the period of 2000-2019. The results of the analysis showed that the form of trade in the 057 product group of Turkey and twenty-three selected countries was realized in the form of inter industry trade. With the remaining six selected countries, the trade that started in the form of inter industry trade has revealed that it has varied in the following periods.
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