The Effect of Portfolio Applications Suitable for Pre-Service Teacher's Learning Styles on Exam Anxiety
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portfolio, learning styles, anxietyAbstract
This research aims to determine the exam anxiety of pre-service teachers in the General Biology Laboratory course, in which portfolio assessment is used for a semester. The research was carried out with 100 pre-service teachers who are studying in the second year of Ondokuz Mayıs University Science Teaching. Of these, 35 pre-service teachers were in the first experimental group, 32 pre-service teachers were in the second experimental group, and 33 pre-service teachers were in the control group. The study continued for 20 weeks. While the pre-service teachers in the control group continued the General Biology Laboratory course traditionally, the first experimental group taught the lesson with portfolio applications. The lessons of the pre-service teacher in experimental group 2, whose learning styles were determined, were carried out with portfolio applications suitable for their learning styles. The research was completed during a total of 40-course hours. The design of the research is quasi-experimental and the pretest and posttest unequalized control group model. The test Anxiety Rating Scale (ARS) was used as a data collection tool in the study. Descriptive statistics were analyzed with ANOVA (one-way analysis of variance), dependent t-test, independent t-test, Mann-Whitney U test, and Wilcoxon test using the SPSS package program. It was concluded that the applications made in the research affected reducing test anxiety for both experimental groups. It was observed that the test anxiety of the experimental groups was similar
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