Re-Functionalisation in Historical Buildings and Baltazzi Mansion

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Baltazzi mansion, Interior, re-function, historic buildings


The spaces may have to adapt again according to the city and needs. Re-functioning may be mandatory due to situations such as loss of its function and inability to meet today's requirements. Re-functioning is defined as the use of a space with new functionality while maintaining its unique characteristics. The utilisation of existing buildings provides economic benefits, and at the same time, it allows future generations to get acquainted with this culture by preserving the building.

The aim of this research is to investigate the functional changes of the "Baltazzi" mansion, which was constructed during the period when the Levantines lived in Izmir, and the current condition of the mansion, which can be an example of historical places reaching the modern day with the change of functions. Within the context of the study, the present condition of the building was documented with photographs and the buildings of the period were investigated through a literature review.

The Baltazzi mansion has a squared plan and two floors. There are two entrances to the structure. There are two columns at the main door. With the balcony created above this entrance, you can see the garden with the decorative pool and Venus sculpture added to the structure. There are classrooms on the entrance and first floor in its current function, as well as the administrative departments such as the teacher's room since it is an academic building. The ornamental pool can be accessed by a metal bridge to the section with the statue.

When we look at the function of the building, it is seen that it was used as a residence, orphanage and educational structure. In line with current requirements, these functions have changed according to the periods


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URL1 Buca Tarihi yapılar,

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How to Cite

yavuz öden, hülya. (2023). Re-Functionalisation in Historical Buildings and Baltazzi Mansion. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 7(32), 633–642.