Teachers’ Qualifications Regarding Out-of-School Learning

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Education, Out of School Learning, İnformal Learning, Competence, STEM


Out-of-school learning environments are learning environments that students can benefit from in line with a previously prepared plan and program within the framework of formal education within the education-training program, as well as being a learning environment that individuals who go out of formal education can visit at any time without being bound by a plan or program. Contrary to popular belief, out-of-school learning environments do not consist of science centers, museums, botanical gardens and zoos. STEM laboratories used in technology, engineering, science and mathematics, mosques, aquariums, virtual reality environments, ruins, national parks, churches, inns, caravanserais, ancient cities, excavation sites, government mansions, municipal buildings, cultural centers, agricultural lands and similar Many places can be considered as out-of-school learning environments. In summary, every place where education-teaching activities are implemented and permanent learning takes place can be expressed as an out-of-school learning environment. This research is a pedagogical study created in the descriptive survey method. Survey studies reveal the current situation of the participants related to a subject, concept, or a field of competence. 192 teachers working in different education levels and different branches in Reyhanlı District of Hatay Province participated in the research. The maximum diversity method was chosen to select the participants for the study. In this study, the Out-of-School Learning Regulation Scale (CRA) developed by Bolat and Köroğlu (2020) was used as a data collection tool. It was understood that there was no significant difference between the teachers' out-of-school learning proficiency levels and their branches, except for the dimension of planning.


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How to Cite

GÜL, K., & SAZ, İbrahim. (2023). Teachers’ Qualifications Regarding Out-of-School Learning. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 7(33), 695–704. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8255936