The Effect of Talent Management on Organizational Commitment in Primary Schools
Talent, Talent Management, Talent Management in Education, Organizational CommitmentAbstract
The aim of this study is to examine the effect of talent management on organizational commitment in primary schools. The universe and sample of the research were made on 262 teachers and school administrators selected by simple random method among the teachers and school administrators working in 38 different primary schools in the Esenyurt District of Istanbul, Turkey, in the 2022-2023 academic year. The data were obtained from the personal information form developed by the researchers, two sub-dimensions (Targets and Developing Talent and Performance Evaluation and Retention of Talent) developed by Yerlikaya in 2017, Talent Management Scale in Education consisting of 18 items and three sub-dimensions developed by Han, Dağlı and Elçiçek in 2018 (Emotional Commitment, Continuance Addiction and Normative Commitment) and the Organizational Commitment Scale consisting of 18 items. The research was carried out in a relational screening model with the quantitative method. AMOS 22.0 and SPSS 21.0 statistical programs were used in the analysis of the study data. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), item-total correlation and Cronbach Alpha methods were used within the scope of validity and reliability studies of the scales. Then in the analysis of the data; the mean, standard deviation, Anova test, t-test, LSD post hoc test, Pearson correlation test to reveal the relationship between variables, and regression test to determine the effect between variables. As the main finding of the study, it was determined that there is a positive and significant relationship between education talent management and the organizational commitment of teachers working in primary schools. In addition, the results of the research show that demographic characteristics affect the sub-dimensions of talent management and organizational commitment in education at different levels
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