The Effect of Behavioral Finance on Company Profitability and Company Growth: An Implementation on Airline Companies

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Behavioral, Finance, Company, Profitability, Growth, Airline


Traveling in aviation is a great experience in the world, both economically and similarly. It is shaped by cultural and economic transitions such as the acceleration of aviation and the shortening of distances. In this regard, they are close to a future in the country they are affiliated with, they provide in the country and at the same time they carry all the national flags in the affiliated countries. The fact that the economies of the countries are very high, especially thanks to the technologies of the industry, also proves its predictability.

It is a necessity for education in the aviation sector, which is the most popular of the service sector, and the growth and growth of the passenger mass in the good sector. Evaluating the analysis of these economic investments evaluates their valuation. Because education system teaching always takes reel-based and technical analysis into consideration.

The design, which plays a role in the construction sector in Turkey, will contribute to the growth and profitability of their own financial investments. It is correct with its example and qualification as well as reading the passenger and passenger differences well on the road. In addition, it is important to evaluate the brand value and the policies of the institution positively.

It is above the general passenger and eye field surveys conducted in this area. In this general application area, the results obtained from the analysis of the dem graphic dimensions (such as education) and the future report are given below.


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How to Cite

süzer, ahmet selim. (2023). The Effect of Behavioral Finance on Company Profitability and Company Growth: An Implementation on Airline Companies. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 7(33), 800–810.