General Outlook of Open Jobs in Turkey and Its Importance in Working Life

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İŞKUR, Turkey, Vacancies


Vacancies are an indicator that provides information about the demand side of the labor market and is a source of data for policies to be formed on labor demand. Open jobs have an active role in solving the unemployment problem, which is one of the causes of economic instability. In the literature review, limited academic studies emphasizing the general appearance and importance of vacant jobs in Turkey necessitated this study. The main purpose of this study is to examine and interpret the changes in job vacancies that provide employment in the labor market over the years and to contribute to academic studies and current research. What kind of policies should be developed to increase job vacancies that provide employment in the labor market? With this study, which is an answer to the question, employers will have information about creating vacant job postings and job seekers will have information about vacant jobs that contribute to their employment. Therefore, it will help job seekers and employers, who represent the supply and demand side of working life, to find jobs and workers by developing different strategies while contributing to how vacant jobs will increase.


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How to Cite

Tatar, M. (2023). General Outlook of Open Jobs in Turkey and Its Importance in Working Life. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 7(33), 875–884.