Dall’Abaco, Forgotten Composer of the Baroque Cello Repertory and His 11 Capricci Works

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Dall’Abaco, 11 Capricci, Violoncello solo, Baroque music


With its ornate, extreme and contrasting structure, the Baroque period has left deep traces in the art of music. Baroque music inspired by the Renaissance, unlike Renaissance music, got rid of monotony and expanded the sound possibilities. Nuances, rhythmic movements and depth in the expression are in the foreground. A contrast is created by dividing the instrument ensembles into two, this division is the first step of the concerto tradition. On the other hand, in solo instrument works, opposite elements are displayed in musical writing. These opposing elements are supported by rhythmic structures, sharp notes, the use of loudness, an ornate melody and a simple harmony. Joseph Marie Clément Ferdinand Dall'Abaco is a composer and cellist who lived in the Mature Baroque period, which covers the years 1700-1750. Few of the works written by Dall'Abaco have survived and joined the instrument repertoire. Dall'Abaco's solo cello work 11 Capricci resembles Bach's suites in many ways. 11 Capricci is a work that should not be underestimated despite its simple musical writing. The first striking features in the work are the elements of virtuosity and the sense of improvisation. Thanks to the copy sheet music that has survived to the present day, this work has been saved from oblivion. Despite this, it did not receive the value it deserved in the repertoire. Academic studies on both Dall'Abaco and 11 Capricci works are limited in the literature. This study, it is aimed to present the collected information and interpretational perspectives about Dall'Abaco and 11 Capricci. For this purpose, notes of 11 Capricci works were examined, published album recordings were listened to, and album booklets were examined. For the work to receive the attention it deserves, it has been concluded that there is a need for diversification of research on the composer and the piece, and studies on the sheet music.


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URL-2: https://www.encyclopedia.com/arts/dictionaries-thesauruses-pictures-and-press-releases/dallabaco-joseph-marie-clement (Erişim: 15.06.2023)

URL-3: https://www.chandos.net/chanimages/Booklets/BT1400.pdf (Erişim Tarihi: 21.06.2023)

URL-4: https://vmirror.imslp.org/files/imglnks/usimg/d/d7/IMSLP856351-PMLP1347208-DALL'ABACO._XIV_Capricci_per_Violoncello_(ed._Berrocal).pdf (Erişim: 15.06.2023)

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URL-8: https://imslp.org/wiki/11_Capricci_for_Cello_(Dall'Abaco%2C_Joseph) (Erişim: 15.06.2023)



How to Cite

Özbek, E. (2023). Dall’Abaco, Forgotten Composer of the Baroque Cello Repertory and His 11 Capricci Works. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 7(33), 902–909. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8308380