Structural Biology: Increasing Resident Well-Being Through Sustainable and Hypoallergenic Building Design
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Eco houses, sustainable architecture, ecology, hypoallergenic structures, structural biologyAbstract
This study explores the design and construction of hypoallergenic homes that prioritize sustainable materials. By integrating these materials and considering regional availability, the research aims to create healthier and more environmentally friendly living spaces that reduce the impact of allergens and pollutants and support the well-being of building occupants. Considering the increasing prevalence of allergies and the significant impact of indoor environments on allergic reactions, it is crucial to address indoor air quality. As a result, it is clear that there is a growing interest in hypoallergenic homes that prioritize the well-being of residents. This research examines the integration of sustainable materials and regional availability into the design and construction processes to create healthier and more environmentally friendly living spaces. In the study, first of all, the definition, emergence and principles of the concept of biology are explained. By explaining the subject theoretically, it is aimed for the reader to understand the subject. Then, the transition between the concepts of energy and climate is mentioned and their effective use is explained by using the literature. According to the differences of climatic regions, the climatic elements, the characteristics of the building structures and their effects on energy use are emphasized. In the last section, two different examples, whose interiors were affected due to their climate and geographical features, are discussed. In a building designed with the principles of building biology and ecology, it is exemplified how sustainable design, materials and technologies are designed and applied together. In this context, each component and the mechanical systems used, starting from the foundation of the building to the roof, were taken into consideration in the application examples. One of these two buildings is the Headquarters of the Institute for Building Biology and Sustainability in Germany, and the other is Britain's first hypoallergenic house. When the literature is scanned, it is clearly seen that there is not enough data on this subject yet.
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