In the Development of European Music in Turkey from the Ottoman Empire to the RepublicInfluence of the French School

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Western Music in the Ottoman Empire, Development of European Music in the Ottoman Empire, The French School in Music from the Ottoman Empire to the Republic


Although the first contact with European music in the Ottoman Empire began in the 16th century during the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent, the adoption and development of this music in the Ottoman Empire took place in the 19th century. Official interaction with European music; It started with Sultan Mahmud, who closed the Janissary Corps in 1826, and established the Western-style Muzika-i Hümâyûn in 1827 instead of the Mehterhane.

Westernization movements have manifested themselves in every aspect of social life. Change and transformation in Ottoman society also included the cultural and artistic fields. In this process, European music became permanent, first in the palace and its surroundings, and then in civilian life. It can be seen that there are many factors in the development of European music.

In this study, the development of European music in Turkey from the Ottoman Empire to the Republic and the influence of the French school in this development process were investigated. The development of European music in the Ottoman Empire after the Muzika-i Hümâyûn, initially commanded by Donizetti and Guatelli, was structured with the Italian School; It continued under the influence of the French School through musical figures such as Fernando de Aranda, Saffet Atabinen, Paul Dussap and Enrico Henri Furlani.

According to the information obtained, it was determined that 29 musicians received music education in France during the Ottoman and Republican periods. The majority of these people were sent to France with a government scholarship to study Western music abroad. It is seen that some musicians received music education in France by their means.

In this research, it was tried to determine the influence of the French school on the development process of European music in Turkey. In this research, which is a qualitative study; Books, articles and theses on the subject were examined and the obtained data were analyzed descriptively and shared.

At the end of the study, it is thought that the French school had an influence on the development of European music during the Ottoman and Republican periods, with musicians who were educated in France and continued their studies within the framework of the French School.


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How to Cite

DOĞAN UĞURLU, E. (2023). In the Development of European Music in Turkey from the Ottoman Empire to the RepublicInfluence of the French School. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 7(34), 1085–1096.