Gömürgen (Kayseri/Akkışla) Rugs

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Gömürgen, Avanoğlu, Tree of Life, Bird, Mihrab


The rugs of the Gömürgen region of Akkışla district of Kayseri, one of the important weaving centers of Anatolia, have introduced themselves both at home and abroad. Gömürgen rugs are woven in Gömürgen and Avanoğlu neighborhoods of Akkışla district. Rugs woven in Avanoğlu are generally patterned and henna green is used. In the rugs woven in Gömürgen District, patterns with mihrabs and double mihrabs are more commonly woven and dark green is used. The color and motif features of the rugs woven in the two neighborhoods are similar. Threads obtained from the wool of sheep raised in the region are dyed with plants grown in the region. Black color attracts attention in rugs that do not have many colors but have high appeal due to the harmonious use of colors. The term "coal black of the colony" is popularly used for the color black. In the rugs, there are tree of life, dovetail, hair tie/earring and Turkmen rose/key, finger/comb, snake, hand on hand, amulet/eye, fold, midwife's carving, district governor's carving, district governor's little one, wild flower, cat print, spleen, apple, box, Bow head, apple/apple, waterway/cow's urine, crazy angel, crab, butterfly, bird, crab's foot and worm motifs are commonly used. Products woven in knotted and knotless rug techniques are generally used as floor mats and prayer rugs. Single mihrab, double mihrab and report patterns are seen on rugs that are not very large in size.


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How to Cite

Şahin, Z. (2023). Gömürgen (Kayseri/Akkışla) Rugs. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 7(35), 1494–1502. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10035599