Teachers' Attitudes Towards Distance Education

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Distance education, attitude, teacher, synchronous, asynchronous, interaction


This research, which was conducted to reveal teachers' attitudes towards distance education and its situation according to demographic characteristics, was conducted in a survey model and as a quantitative study. In the 2023-2024 academic year, data was collected from 234 teachers working in public schools in the Denizli Honaz district with the easily accessible sampling method. In the research, frequency, mean, t test, variance analysis and Post Hoc Tukey tests were performed. The highest level regarding teachers' attitudes towards distance education is "Access to information is quick in distance education because knowledge is shared on the internet." It is in the article. “Distance education provides effective learning through audio, visual designs and technology.” article follows. The lowest average is "Face-to-face education is more useful than distance education." It is in the article. It was observed that teachers' attitudes towards distance education sub-dimensions were highest in the advantage dimension, followed by the limitation dimension, while their general attitude was "I Disagree". According to the findings, it was seen that teachers' attitudes towards distance education sub-dimensions were negative and very negative. It has been observed that teachers' attitudes towards distance education are in the advantage dimension according to gender, and in general, the average of women is significantly higher than men. It was found that there was a difference between teachers aged 31-40 and teachers aged 51 and over in the advantage dimension according to their age, and the attitudes of teachers aged 51 and over towards the advantages of distance education were more negative. It has been observed that teachers' distance education attitudes are limited according to their marital status and that single students have higher averages than married people in general attitudes. It has been observed that there is a significant difference in the advantage dimension according to education levels, and the difference is high in favor of postgraduate graduates, and postgraduate graduates have higher positive attitudes toward the advantages of distance education compared to undergraduate graduates. It was concluded that there was a significant difference in the limitation dimension according to the levels they worked at and that the difference was between teachers working in secondary schools and high schools, and that their attitudes were more positive in favor of teachers working in secondary schools. There was a significant difference in the advantage dimension and limitation dimension according to career title.


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How to Cite

Dişçi, Ümmü A., Başdaş, E., Yutseven, S., Hançar, H. H., Karaca, İsmail, & Özdemir, İbrahim. (2023). Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Distance Education. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 7(34), 1152–1163. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8404915