Tornadoes According to Their Areas of Influence in Turkey

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extreme weather events, Climate change, tornado, meteorological disaster


Global climate change and the adverse effects it brings along have become a global issue. Among these, extreme weather and climate events pose a significant threat to people and human structures. Turkey, located in the Mediterranean Basin, is among the countries at risk in terms of the potential impacts of climate change, and the recent increase in trends of extreme events such as heavy rainfall, storms, hail, and tornadoes has further exacerbated this risk. The main focus of the study is on tornado events that occurred in Turkey between 2000 and 2020, categorized based on their impact areas as "sea, coastal, and land tornadoes." Most tornadoes have occurred in the Mediterranean and along its coasts. According to the analysis results, it is estimated that each year there will be 1.4 more tornadoes in the seas compared to the previous year, 1 more tornado along the coasts each year, and 1 more tornado on land every 3 years. Therefore, the increasing number of tornadoes in the seas will directly affect human activities in coastal areas such as agriculture and tourism. Furthermore, the increasing intensity of tornadoes will lead to higher human and property losses. It is crucial to be aware of these trends to take various measures effectively.


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How to Cite

bayraktar, sema, Çiçek, İhsan, & Yılmaz, E. (2023). Tornadoes According to Their Areas of Influence in Turkey. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 7(34), 1140–1151.