Projections of Arabesque Codes in Rap Music: “We Are Bad, Exactly”

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Music, arabesque, hiphop, rap, discourse analysis


Music is one of the oldest and universal languages of humanity. Musical works are produced and consumed for various purposes in many sectors, from therapy to religious rituals. However, music is an important part of today’s entertainment industry. Music is a part of our lives almost everywhere, on the streets, in cafes, restaurants, and in vehicles. Music is also the most important means of transferring culture. Thanks to music, not only cultural elements but also religious, political, or commercial messages can be produced and spread. In particular, current music, which is one of the most important carrier channels of popular culture, is produced in a way that can be consumed with pleasure and speed. Although musical genres differ in the instruments used, the style of vocalization, the target audience, and structural elements, they may have similarities at some points. In this context, there are similarities and differences between arabesque and hip-hop music in various aspects. Both arabesque and rap music, in terms of their philosophy of emergence, are the types of music in which those who are left outside the center, excluded and marginalized due to economic or social inadequacies seek solace or express their rebellion.

From this perspective, it is possible to encounter intertwined forms of discourse in arabesque and rap music songs. This study aims to verify the hypothesis mentioned above that rap music carries arabesque codes. Within the scope of the study, the song “Aynen” (Exactly), performed together by rap singers Heijan and Muti, was determined as a sample and the verbal elements of the song were analyzed using the discourse analysis method. According to the findings, it was concluded that there are discourses regarding arabesque music in rap music.


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How to Cite

Sönmez, M. F., & Kazan, F. (2023). Projections of Arabesque Codes in Rap Music: “We Are Bad, Exactly”. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 7(35), 1448–1462.