Nitq (Speech) Tags in Azerbaijani Turkish and the Classification of these Tags in Terms of Meaning
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Azerbaijani Turkish, rules of courtesy, nitq tagsAbstract
There is no study in Azerbaijani Turkish that includes formulaic words alone, as in Turkey Turkish. It is included in the nitq civilization (speech culture) in the form of "nitq tags". Nitq tags, which we also use in Turkey, are a tradition, courtesy or etiquette to use in situations such as greeting, farewell, marriage, welcome, birth, death, and marriage. Nitq tags are social rules that help determine appropriate behavior during dialogue and communication. Nitq tags are used to facilitate communication between people and improve social relationships. Nitq labels vary across different cultures and vary depending on people's age, gender, social status, etc. It may vary depending on factors such as. Acting in accordance with Nitq tags gives a more professional and respected image when communicating and helps you establish a more positive relationship with other people. In Azerbaijani Turkish, nitq tags are essentially the rules of appropriate address, respect and courtesy, processed within the framework of etiquette. In this study, nitq tags and their place in Azerbaijani linguistics will be explained, classified and discussed with examples. The study is important in that it reveals the similarities and differences between the two languages by giving speech tags in Azerbaijani Turkish in detail.
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