Innovations Introduced to Our Lives with Blockchain Technology: The Case of BKM Goodbye Cash (BBN)
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Blockchain technology, Blockchain effects, smart contracts, digital money, Goodbye cash, BBNAbstract
Today, the sector with the fastest change is the information and communication technologies sector. One of the important IT innovations in this field in recent years is blockchain technology, which initially entered our lives with Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. In recent years, this innovative technology has enabled a wide range of opportunities, especially in regulating the relationships between individuals and institutions. It is seen that this technology, which is used in many different sectors, affects business processes in many areas, especially in the finance sector, and may lead to more comprehensive changes in the future.
The research aims to introduce blockchain technology, examine its effects on various sectors and reveal the benefits and gains obtained with blockchain technology through the Bay Bay Nakit (BBN) application example developed by Bankalararası Kart Merkezi A.Ş. (BKM) as Turkey's first project using blockchain technology. The study also aims to raise awareness about the applications by revealing the usage areas and effects of blockchain in various sectors.
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