Critical Approach To The Comments Of The Quran By Islamic Historianists

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Quran, Provision, Modernism, Hermeneutics, Historicity


In this study, we will try to convey the falseness of the claims of Islamic historicists who claim that some provisions in the Quran belong to history, have been experienced in history, and cannot be implemented in later periods. Historicity and Historicism emerged entirely as a natural result and influence of the modern period and secularism. When we pay attention, the underlying truth of this historicist thought is the questioning of the Divine revelation and the Almighty Creator who sends the revelation. Once this Divine truth begins to be questioned, the unprevented questioning begins to include areas related to Aqeedah. Fazlur Rahman, who guides all modernists and historicists with his modernist, hermeneutic and historicist ideas in the discussion of the hermeneutics and historicity of the Quran, states that regarding the existing rules and rules in the Quran, especially the verses of criminal judgment, those verses are not suitable for the modern age. He argues that these provisions should also change as time changes. The owners of such claims are Fazlur Rahman, Muhammed Arkoun, Hasan Hanafi, Nasr Hamid Abu Zeyd, Roger Garaudy etc. Moreover, Historicists and Modernists, including some contemporary theologians, argue that historicity, modernism, hermeneutics, etc., emerged in the West as a result of the psychological reaction of the Islamic world to the West in the last century and its backwardness and defeat. With philosophical concepts, especially with these intellectual expressions that emerged with the influence and thought of Greek philosophy; By abstracting the text of the Quran from its Divine revelation feature and reducing it to a historical text, they argue that the provisions of the verses are not binding in today's modern world and that they need to be reinterpreted with western concepts.


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How to Cite

Keskin, Z. (2023). Critical Approach To The Comments Of The Quran By Islamic Historianists. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 7(36), 1591–1596.