Main Methods Applied in Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language and Some Problems Encountered

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Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language, Curriculums, Methods and Techniques, Language Education


Although teaching Turkish as a foreign language is a lively subject that has attracted the attention of researchers recently, it is not an area that has been studied sufficiently today. It is good news that Turkish is being taught to non-native speakers through TÖMER. On the other hand, the opening of master's and doctoral programs in this field in some higher education institutions emphasizes the fact that teaching Turkish as a foreign language is a promising research field. The next stage of the process should be the opening of departments for teaching Turkish as a foreign language in universities. A modern and understandable curriculum should be prepared that will eliminate learning difficulties with an understanding that deeply examines the vital role of language as a means of communication, the current state of foreign language teaching in the modern world, the reasons why foreigners want to learn Turkish, and the fields of study of these people.


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Author Biographies

Nurten Kaya, meb


Nurettin Bayhan, meb


Abdülbaki Yeyan, meb


Melsa Aytemür, meb


Berivan Aztuzcu, meb


Bahar Çelik, meb


Mehmet Özkan, MEB, Diyarbakır / TÜRKİYE



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How to Cite

DEMİRTAŞ, M., Kaya, N., Bayhan, N., Yeyan, A., Aytemür, M., Aztuzcu, B., Çelik, B., & Özkan, M. (2023). Main Methods Applied in Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language and Some Problems Encountered. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 7(36), 1693–1701.