An Experimental Research on the Effects of Storytelling Teaching on Students' Cognitive Development in the Context of Values Education

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Value, values education, story, storytelling teaching, cognitive development


This experimental research aims to determine the effects of story-supported teaching method on students' cognitive development in the context of values ​​education. The research was conducted in a survey model as a quantitative and descriptive study. The population of the research consists of students studying in the 7th grade of Servergazi Imam Hatip Secondary School in Merkezefendi district of Denizli province in the 2021-2022 academic year. In the research, 2 control groups and 1 experimental group were created. Data were collected from a total of 62 students: 18 students in the 1st control group, 23 students in the 2nd control group and 21 students in the experimental group. Academic Achievement Test (ABT) developed by the researcher was used in the study. The reliability of the collected data was found to be high and since the number of student groups was below 30, the analyzes were carried out with non-parametric tests. In the research, the experimental and control groups are heterogeneous. In the research, it is seen that there is a difference between the pre-test and post-test academic achievement scores of the experimental group students. It was observed that there was a significant difference between the pre-test averages and post-test averages. It was observed that the pretest and posttest academic achievement scores of the control group students did not differ between the pretest and posttest academic achievement scores of the control group I and control group II students, and the pretest and posttest scores were similar. The posttest academic achievement scores of the students in the experimental and control groups differed between the control and experimental groups. It was concluded that the story-supported teaching method applied in the experimental group was effective in increasing academic success and provided a significant increase in success. It was observed that the posttest mean scores of Control Group I students were higher than the retention test and the students' academic achievements decreased over time. It was observed that the academic achievements of control group II students in the posttest and permanence test showed a significant difference in the posttest and permanence test scores. As a result of the post-test and permanence test, the academic achievements of the experimental group students in the post-test and permanence test showed a significant difference. As a result, it was concluded that the applied story-supported teaching method increased the permanence of information in academic success.


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How to Cite

Bayhan, A., & Altaş, N. (2023). An Experimental Research on the Effects of Storytelling Teaching on Students’ Cognitive Development in the Context of Values Education. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 7(37), 1882–1895.