Evaluation of Metropolitan Municipalities in Turkey in the Context of Entrepreneur Friendly Cities

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CRITIC, MAIRCA, City, Entrepreneur Friendly City, Metropolitan Cities


Economic activities, one of the main dynamics that led to the emergence of cities, have shaped cities according to the needs of the era. As a matter of fact, after the process that started with the industrial revolution, cities became crowded and at the same time turned into the center of capital. In the neoliberal era, cities have ceased to be place where classical large investments are made and where development or crowding is achieved through classical economic means. For this reason, there have been different definitions of cities or missions attributed to cities. One of these is the "Entrepreneur Friendly City". Although the concept is widely expressed, there are problems with the criteria or indicators to fill its content. In this study, metropolitan cities in Turkey are ranked in terms of their entrepreneur-friendly characteristics with the criteria determined. In doing so, the factors that will affect the behavior of an entrepreneur were determined and these criteria were ranked using CRITIC and MAIRCA method. As a result, Istanbul, Izmir, and Tekirdağ were ranked in the first three places. The results obtained seem to be consistent when the values of the criteria are taken into consideration.


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How to Cite

Maruf, M., Gündoğmuş, B., & Aydın, A. (2023). Evaluation of Metropolitan Municipalities in Turkey in the Context of Entrepreneur Friendly Cities. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 7(37), 2068–2076. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10473553