Elderly Suicide in Written Press

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Suicide, Elderly, Written press


Old age is a period of physical decline, loss of role and status, loss of spouse, illness, and loss of loved ones. These problems can trigger depression in the elderly. It is stated in the literature that suicide rates increase with age in every society. This study aims to examine elderly suicides through the cases reflected in the written press. In the study, elderly suicide news was retrospectively examined in the online versions of the six national newspapers with the highest circulation, covering 10 years (2013-2023). These newspapers were searched using the keywords "elderly suicides", "suicide", and "old man committed suicide", "old woman committed suicide". The same news published in different newspapers or the same news published again on different days of the week was discussed once. In total, 74 elderly suicide news were received. As a result of the study, 53 of the 74 suicide news reported in the print media were committed by men and 21 by women. In addition, among the elderly who committed suicide; The person(s) with whom those aged 70-74 live are listed as "not mentioned" in the news. The majority of elderly women and men commit suicide for unknown reasons. While suicide by jumping is the leading suicide method among elderly women, those who commit suicide by hanging are the most common among elderly men. The suicides of elderly individuals largely resulted in death, and only 5 people were rescued at the end of the suicide attempt. Among the 35 cities where suicide cases occurred, the highest number of elderly suicide cases was in Istanbul with 10 people. Istanbul is followed by Antalya and Muğla provinces, respectively.


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How to Cite

Çelik, H., & Şahin, H. (2024). Elderly Suicide in Written Press. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 8(38), 65–70. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10616897