An Arab Personality Writing Turkish in Egypt: Hüseyin Mucib El-Mısrî and His Work "Solgun Bir Gül"

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Hüseyin Mucib el-Mısri, Egypt, Turkish literature


There are strong historical and cultural connections between Egypt, one of the oldest civilization centers in history, and Turkey. Turks made significant changes and developments in state administration during their long stay in Egypt. Persons writing in Turkish were educated in the country, especially in the Cairo Palace, where the administrative center was located, or in its immediate surroundings. The fact that the poems of these poetry writers are voluminous enough to form a divan is important in terms of the awareness of the influence of Turkish, which was spoken in certain circles in the country for a while. Although most of the figures who wrote works in Turkish in Egypt are native speakers of Turkish, there are also native speakers of Arabic. One of them is Hüseyin Mucib el-Mısrî. Mucib el-Mısrî, a graduate of Cairo University, one of the oldest universities in Egypt, received the title of Egypt's first Turkish literature doctor with his doctoral thesis in the field of Turkology about Fuzûlî, one of the divan poets. He published remarkable and valuable works about the Turkish language and literature. Among the Islamic works of literature, he is also familiar with Arabic, Persian, Turkish, and Urdu works of literature. He knew well "elsine-i selâse", that is, Arabic-Persian-Turkish, which Ottoman intellectuals should know. His knowledge of these languages ​​attracted the attention of the scientific world by conducting comparative studies in Islamic literature. Hüseyin Mucib el-Mısrî speaks English, French, German and Russian well, as well as Eastern languages. In addition to his literary research and publications, he also wrote Turkish poems. In this study, the life of Hüseyin Mucib el-Mısrî will be briefly mentioned, the names of his works will be mentioned, and his poetry book titled "Solgun Bir Gül" will be introduced and a few examples of poems will be presented symbolically.


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How to Cite

Kalyon, A. (2023). An Arab Personality Writing Turkish in Egypt: Hüseyin Mucib El-Mısrî and His Work "Solgun Bir Gül". Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 7(37), 2016–2024.