The Democratic Impact Of The Slow City Movement On Local Governments

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Slow City, Local Government, Democracy, Globalization, Urban Quality of Life


With the introduction of social media into our lives, the decline in the unique characteristics of societies and their resemblance to each other has shown its effect rapidly. As the borders on the world are removed, countries and cultures have become closer to each other and similar lives have started to be lived. The cultural values of countries have been replaced by easily accessible current trends. The "Slow" movement, which has become widespread around the world, has been an important step for societies that have become the same with the globalization process to preserve their cultural characteristics and to continue their traditional values. With the Slow Movement, on the one hand, the comfort of globalization that provides "convenience" is used, and on the other hand, steps have been taken to preserve the "uniqueness" of social tradition, which is the building block of cultural heritage. The "slow" movement, which emerged with the concept of globalization turning values upside down, has also brought local governments to the forefront and revealed the importance of localization in the democratic process.


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How to Cite

Kaynak, M., & Koyuncu, A. (2024). The Democratic Impact Of The Slow City Movement On Local Governments. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 8(38), 97–109.